Sellassie List --
This is very old page, but everything @ is about books -- and the webpages will be updated ( lists).
The Autobiography Of Emperror Haile Sellassie I
"My Life And Ethiopia's Progress" 1892-1937
Translated By: Edward Ullendorff
Published By: Research Associates School Times Publications Hardback U.S. \$49.95"My Life And Ethiopia's Progress" Volume II
Translated by Ezekiel Gebesis
176 Pages Hardback U.S. \$41.42For discount prices see Discount Books
For historical data and accuracy the reader should read the books, which I arranged in several categories of recomended reading.
1. HIM
Haile Selassie My Life and Ethiopia's Progress Michigan State Universuty, East Lansing, 1994Doresse, Jean Ethiopia Frederick Ungar Pub. Co. New York, 1959 Getachew, Mekonnen Neguse Negestu 1884-1967 Addis Ababa
Kapuscinski, Ryszard The Emperor Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, NY 1983
Lockot, Hans Wilhelm The Mission: the life, reign and character of Haile Selassie
Schwab, Peter Ethiopia & Haile Selassie 1972, FACTS ON FILE, INC. NY.
Cohen, Ronald and Britan Gerald Hierarchy & Society Institute for the Srudy of Human Issues, Philadelphia, 1980Ethiopia, CIA facts book, Country case study 1992
Halliday, Fred and Molyneux The Ethiopian Revolution London 1981
Lefort, R. Ethiopia: An Heretical Revolution? Zed Press, London, 1983
Marcus, Harold G. A History of Ethiopia U of California Press Berkeley, 1994
Pankhurst, Sylvia Ethiopia, A Cultural History Lalibela House, London, 1955
Pankhurst, Richard A Social History of Ethiopia Addis Ababa University, 1990 Also, The Red Sea Press, edition 1992
Schwab, Peter Haile Selassie I Nerlson-Hall Chicago, 1979
Schwab, Peter Ethiopia: Politics, Economics and Society Lynne Rienner Pub. Inc. Boulder, Co 1985
Spencer, John Ethiopia at Bay Reference Publications, Inc. 1984
Tiruneh, Andargachew The Ethiopian Revolution 1974-1987 Cambridge U Press, 1993
PERIODICALS Lion of Judah by Sylvia Pankhurst "Illustrated" London Feb. 1, 1941